Saturday, September 8, 2007


I love Saturday, kids sleep in, I clean. My friend Vickie says I was born wiping the counter off. (I am sure my mother would argue that) So, I cleaned up, did laundry, opened a few boxes, closed them up as I had nowhere to put the stuff.

Once the kids got up we traipsed off to the beach before the tide got too high, waves were big, I made the kids swim in front of the lifeguard, I am such an "uncool" Mom. Oh well, they may live to see their next birthday because of my not so coolness.

I had some time this afternoon to do some surfing around (on the web, not in the ocean) and wanted to share what I found. I frequent another blog that I love...Work at Home Mom Revolution
I don't know this blogger but I think she has some great information, she works at home and if you read since the beginning you can get some great info on working at home. I will share my work at home thing in a future post.

Anyway, she had some interesting things she found from StumbleUpon this is a cool site, you put in your interests and click Stumble, I hit some great stuff today.

I wanted to share goes.If you are a runner, a biker or a walker this site is awesome. Running Map you put in your address, it comes up and you can drag any route you want, it gives you the mileage and you can move it around, save it, print it whatever. Is used it today to map the route to the bus stop (which is over a quarter mile by the way), the route I walk every day and a bunch of other interesting things. Check it out!

Another one I found interesting. eHow it tells you how to do anything, I mean you can learn how to change windshield wiper blades all the way to cooking a souffle. It is incredible.

And for the cleaner in all of us...Vickie this is is Clean & Green
there are some great cleaning remedies that will not damage the environment using alot of everyday household things you already have.

And this one I like also How To Get Rid Of Things this will help you get rid of everything from cigarette smoke smell to trick or treaters. If only they had a chapter on ex-husbands......

Anyway check these out and enjoy the rest of the weekend!