Tuesday, February 16, 2016

We are Moving....Slowly!

I have kind of moved. I am in the process of moving to my own hosting, if you are not getting emails please go and subscribe on the new site. The subscribe to emails is on the right hand side.


This will all be integrated shortly but in the meantime...if you like us go subscribe!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

NSB Caps Spaghetti Dinner

NSBCAPs will hold their annual Spaghetti Dinner this Saturday, February 6th. The dinner is from 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm at the NSB High School, 1015 10th Street in NSB. Proceeds from this yearly event go directly to their scholarship programs.

NSBCAPS was started by sisters Jane Chapman Gould and Vermelle Chapman, both graduates of New Smyrna Beach High School, in 1995 with the sisters’ own money. Since that time, NSBCAPS has raised over $700,000 and awarded over 350 scholarships to NSBHS students.

Tickets for the Spaghetti Dinner can be purchased at the door of the event for $6.00 or you can buy them online here:


Come out and support the students on Saturday!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Tina Boyle Martin

Very early this morning as my daughter and I were driving to Daytona we rounded the corner after the three bridges and came upon the aftermath of this accident. The vehicles and deceased were still on scene as law enforcement investigated. My daughter had been singing along to the radio. All singing stopped and it had a profound effect on both of us.

Two points I want to make. First this very kind woman was killed helping someone else, and leaves behind a very young family. This could be any of us and our children. I don't know her but I do know she was a member of our community.

Second, law enforcement does not make enough money or get enough credit for what they do and see each and every day.

If you are so inclined help this family out, as she was trying to do for someone else, here is the link.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Cudas Baseball Golf Tournament

Please Contact info@rbicudas.org if you would like to sponsor. Information on Golf and Sponsorships is here.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Princess Ball 2016

The Princess Ball will be held 1-30-16 from 7-9 p.m. at the Southeast Volusia YMCA, 148 W. Turgot Ave, Edgewater. Tickets are $7 per person and are available at City Hall, YMCA and at the door. Proceeds benefit the Edgewater Scholarship Fund.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Love Letters

Mardi Gras

Do You Rescue?

If you have ever read this blog you know I am a huge proponent of rescue. Adopt a dog, a cat or ten. I have four animals in my house that are rescued for one reason or another. Three from shelters one from a friend who had too many cats. The two idiot dogs in the photos above are my current mutts. One was a rescue reject had been returned to the shelter twice because he was out of control. He was "untrainable." Guess what, I trained him, he is still a pain in the ass but he is trained an an awesome dog. The other was 2 days from being euthanized. My kind-hearted daughter dragged me 60 miles away to adopt her after seeing her on the Internet.

Things to remember if you choose to adopt a dog, they will not be perfect the minute you bring them home, They might have never been in a house, had regular food, a good place to sleep, the list is long. A shelter is a scary place, when you adopt a dog from a shelter, they were probably depressed, scared, living in a cage. Be patient. Don't give up.

My big dog Boss ran away every time he saw a chance to get out the door, my son and his friend spent many days hunting him down. He drove us crazy. Three years later, we leave the door open and he looks at us, thinks about it and does not run. It takes time.

Every good relationship takes time. We adopted Kahlua, LuLu as we call her from the Orange County Animal Shelter. She appeared to have no personality, no one was going to adopt her. She was one of many dogs in a long row of cages. Something in her eyes spoke to us and we brought her home. After a few says with the Bossman it was clear she had a personality. She was truly the perfect rescue, perfectly trained and wonderful.That never happens, but sometimes it does.

So I have had both, the plug and play dog and the OMG Shoot me dog,...I love them both. I urge you to skip the pet store and the breeder and go for that not so pretty dog, that really I have to train you dog. That dog (or cat) that will really appreciate another chance, It may take some time and some love but it will be so worth it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

This Blog

This little blog has served many purposes over the last 8+ years. It has provided me a forum to promote local businesses, schools, local events, all sorts of things. I have never made money from this blog, that has never been what it was about.

This blog has been through marriage, divorce, death, old jobs, new jobs, happy times and sad. What it has never been is a target for someone to attack my children. In the past week, it is my understanding that my blog, my business, and one of my children have been attacked on several different Facebook pages. I have only seen these attacks because people who are horrified have sent me screenshots of them. In other words, cowards saying things with no threat of response, someone hiding behind their keyboard as people are so prone to do.

Quite frankly I do not care what people say about me, Most of it is not true and I am pretty tough. However, do not ever mess with my kids. I have gone to lengths that normal people would not to protect them from things that most of you cannot imagine.

My kids are fantastic, kind, considerate human beings. They care for animals, old people and put others before themselves on most all occasions. No rational human being, particularly a parent can think it is okay to attack a child. If you do, please unfollow me right this minute.

So I ask you, my readers and followers of the last 8+ years, when you see comments, statements and things that may be posted about me, or my children...look away. Better yet, speak up and say that is not okay. I have stood up for many things over the last several years, some popular, some not. I will always stand up for what I think is right.

Thanks for listening.

Pirate Plunder 5K

The Pirate Plunder 5K is on Saturday, March 5, 2016. The run benefits the Coronado Beach Elementary PTA. Check in starts at 7:00 am and the race will start promptly at 8:00 a.m.  They will be awarding the best pirate costume and also having a free Kids Fun Run following the race.   5K t-shirts and swag bags available, along with refreshments and fun! Check-in is at race headquarters at the intersection of Pine and Flagler in NSB. 

 Online registration is available at http://www.pirateplunder5k.com/

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Edgewater Animal Shelter

As of 12/31/2015, Volusia Society for Aid to Animals' contract with the Edgewater Animal Shelter was terminated. In an effort to clear up any misconceptions on what is happening with the shelter here are the facts:
  1. VSAA was the monetary sponsor for the shelter, that relationship has ended. They are seeking a new non-profit to provide financial support, In the meantime, a private company has taken over
  2. The City of Edgewater is not taking back the shelter, it will still be privately managed
  3. It will remain at the current location 605 Mango Tree Drive, Edgewater, FL
  4. All the animals are still there and awaiting adoption
  5. The hours are the same, and they are planning on expanding the veterinary hours. 
  6. They will continue to be a "low kill" shelter, they only euthanize animals in extreme circumstances
If you feel so inclined they could use some things. They are in desperate need of Clay and Scoopable Cat Litter. They always need cat and dog food, both dry and wet. They are open today until 4:00 pm. 
If you have questions you an reach them at:

605 Mango Tree Drive
Edgewater, Fl 32141

Thank you and please adopt whenever possible! 

Soup Sampler