My Boy Child is having issues with a couple of kids at school, they are picking on him at recess, on the bus and whenever they think no one is looking. This is his first year at this school and he is in fifth grade, he is the new kid and misses his friends. It is a tough time to be adjusting to new kids. He has a couple of friends that he gets along great with so that helps but....
I am struggling to figure out what to do with this as he is smart, athletic, he is playing 2 sports right now and that is some of what they are teasing him about. I have told him to take the high road and ignore them, which so far he has done, but I am not sure how long that will last. He has an overwhelming urge to "kick their ass" as he puts it. I spoke to his teacher to let him know what is going on, but beyond that I am not sure what to do. I would like to "kick their ass" myself but I guess that would not be very adult.
Any suggestions?
Bullying is bullying. They didn't used to deal with it in my day but I think today there is more interest in putting a stop to it. I wonder if your son's school has a policy to deal with it.
The School has zero tolerance, I spoke to his teacher and asked him to keep an eye out. Problem is I don't want to make it worse....
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