Thursday, February 28, 2008

Growing Up

My son is going to be 11 in June, he got his first cell phone this week. I know what you are thinking, he is TOO YOUNG. We live in a relatively small town, that becomes a bigger town during winter tourist season. He rides his bike with his friends and I worry about where he is what is going on. I totally trust him, but I DO NOT trust most adults, other kids...pretty much he is now carrying a Verizon phone that I can track from my phone or any computer. Yes, it even allows me to set up a grid, if he goes outside of that grid I get a text message. If that phone is on I can find him.....that makes me feel much better about letting him go out and grow up. Big Brother is watching.....


Ann said...

Love it. But I am sure he will promptly lose it or drop it in the water...