If you watch the news or open the paper today it is hard to get excited about Labor Day Weekend. Our neighbors to the west are under water, Gustav is projected to smack into New Orleans and shut down oil production in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida has 3.5 million in budget deficits. Yipee....
If you can get out of bed after hearing all that here are some weekend goings on around town.
Local Bar & Club Schedule
Here is a handy site with Local Attractions
Have you ever checked out the Sea Vista Tiki Bar they call it a resort and Tiki Bar, it is really a nice, clean little motel right on the beach. They have a pool and Tiki Bar and I have been told it is a nice place to stop in on the weekend.
Toni & Joes has extended hours right now and live jazz, they also have the best cheese steak in town.
The weather will be great so get out and enjoy the beach or river!
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