Saturday, June 6, 2009

Meaningless Drivel

I really try not to whine about inconsequential things...but today I am feeling a tad bit sorry for myself and it is Saturday and no one reads me on Saturday anyway so.....
I need a new computer. BAD. My desktop that I use to recruit is on its very last legs. My brother has babied it along as long as he can. I can no longer copy and paste, email works when it feels like it, internet is sucks....
Well, I cannot afford a new computer. Not at all. I have to make this thing work a little longer. I am starting a new job in addition to my old job....I have to have a computer that works....oh well sucks to be me....ok I am done whining. I just wish life was easy.....and I had a new computer....


MadMacMom said...

I hope that this web address will change you from "Meaningless Drivel" to "Meaningful Writer" yet again.

Sorry it took so long to get this too you, hope it helps.

nsbmom said...
