Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tedd The Bike Man

I am sure you have heard Tedd the Bike Man is retiring this year. After over 20 years of refurbishing and giving away bikes to the needy, Tedd Jakomis can no longer manage the operation. Tedd is legally blind and is 86 years old. He has refurbished over 16,000 bikes since 1990 with the help of a team of volunteers.

The good news is his legacy will not end with his retirement. The Attic Youth Group and teens from Warner Christian Academy will continue his work when he retires in December. The group of teens has already begun the transition so they will be ready when he hangs up his pedals in December.

So as you are watching the news today and it is filled with stories of kids shooting, robbing and doing drugs. Remember these kids taking over this amazing ministry.

Tedd is still organizing a December Bike Giveaway. Contact 386 423 1885 to donate a bike, if you need pickup call Tom Menzel at 386 801 5426. If you need a bike call Bill Collins at 386 589-3590.

....and what is Tedd going to do with all his free time....Tedd will go from refurbishing bikes to packing food at an Edgewater Food Bank.....