Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy Birthday... me that is. Another year has passed, I usually use the birthday as the start of a new year as opposed to the actual new year. Less competition on those resolutions. I was chatting with my kids last night, looking back on the past year and we decided we came through ok. It has not been an easy year and if not for good friends and better relatives we would have been in trouble.

Accomplishments, my kids both have straight A's and are thriving in school and sports. My son loves to volunteer at the local community meal and my daughter wants to save every animal she sees...and I was short of cash the other day and my daughter brought me her wallet and handed me $200.00, she said pay me back when you can. She is ten years old. Good kid.

Not so great, my recruiting business has never been more dismal, I have made less than one fourth what I made at this time last year. On the upside a good friend offered me a position doing a similar type of work that still allows me to spend as much time with the kids as I want to. I am not sure how single parents who work a regular full time job do it, homework, sports, tennis, riding, laundry, cleaning, dinner, blah, blah, blah. (more on that topic later)

What is happening for the big birthday today, well, my daughter got up at 5am to make me breakfast. I talked her into going back to bed and making it at a more civilized time, say 8am! We are all going to a local nursing home to visit with the residents as part of a Faith In Action day at our church. Later dinner with friends, then I had hoped it would be over and we could forget I am a year older. That is not to be, a proper birthday celebration will be taking place later in the week, I am looking forward to finding out what that entails and will let you know....well I might let you know...

Stay tuned over the next year for more info, events and stuff about New Smyrna Beach....