Monday, February 8, 2010

Around Town~Things To Do

The AAUW of New Smyrna Beach will meet this month on Saturday, Feb. 13, at 11 a.m., at the Smyrna Yacht Club. The purpose of AAUW is to support equality for women and offer scholarships to local women for higher education This month’s speakers, Carol Bertrand and Joan Baliker, are both ordained ministers who are also fine artists – Carol, a painter, and Joan, a sculptor. Please call Jane Hartnett at (386) 423-5278 for reservations. The cost is $15.

CoCo's Canine Club is having a fashion show!! They are located at 4164 South Atlantic Avenue (Food Lion Plaza), Saturday, Feb. 13, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. The invite goes out to all who love the world of luxurious lap dogs. An RSVP is preferred. Please call CoCo's for further info and/or to inquire about modeling; (386) 402-9999.

The Daytona 500 is this Sunday. Unless you are a race fan, Daytona is a great place to stay away from!!