Monday, May 24, 2010

Climb To The Moon

On May 27th join the old lighthouse keeper as he leads you on your journey into the past and discover the unique history of this National Historic Landmark. Toast the setting sun with sparkling cider and enjoy panoramic views of the ocean, inlet and inland waterways by the light of the full moon.

This special event is limited to 25 participants only and begins at 730pm and runs til 9pm. Tickets must be purchased in advance calling Mary at 386.761.1821, extension 10. Prices are $25 for non-members and $20 for members.

The Ponce Inlet Lighthouse is located 4931 South Peninsula Drive, Ponce Inlet. You can visit their website for more information on the lighthouse and museum.


Mary Beth Koplin said...

been enjoying looking at your blog! I know of a Summer Vocal Academy in July - it's run by a wonderful voice teacher in Daytona. do you want to post it on your site? I would have emailed you but couldn't see how to do that

nsbmom said...

Yes, please send it to me at! Thanks!