Hope Reins is a non profit organization located here in New Smyrna Beach. Hope Reins provides therapeutic riding and hippotherapy to both children and adults who have conditions like cerebral palsy, blindness, autism, traumatic brain injuries, emotional disorders....just to name a few. I have watched an autistic child come to the ranch and hide in the corner of a stall, crying and screaming, the break your heart crying that you cannot ignore. Six weeks later, she is talking to "her horse", brushing and grooming "her horse" and riding around the arena like she owned it.
It is truly an amazing program. Hope Reins offers a scholarship program that is totally funded by sponsors from the community. The goal is to never turn a child (or adult) away because of the inability to pay. It is a lofty goal, horses have to eat, vets and farriers must be paid. Hope Rosenthal and Nick Psathas operate Hope Reins with the belief that you get what you give.
Going with the theory that you get what you give....consider giving to Hope Reins, Inc. More importantly, if you have a special needs child or adult, give them a call. They can help!
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