Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Stumble-Surf's Up

Here are some great surfing blogs to start out your week!

Katie Graham Photography - this gal takes some AWESOME surf photography! Since we are talking about photography check out World Surf Photography, also some fantastic shots and they offer tutorials on taking great surf photos yourself. Love Surfer Nancy, she is located in St Augustine, so we could call her almost "local". If you want a report on surf conditions anywhere on the East Coast, then East Coast Surfing is your ticket, he is a one stop shop for all things surfing on the east coast. Just for fun check out Surf Alaska, no one I know is brave enough to even get in the water in Alaska let alone surf, but it is fun to read!

Enjoy and we will attempt to return next week with meaningful, intelligent posts surrounding activities and such in gorgeous New Smyrna Beach!