Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Green Winters Nursery-Permaculture Presentation

There was a segment on the news last night about our food bills climbing to ridiculous levels so this event is quite timely. Jenny Nazak a local permaculture expert and promoter is speaking at Green Winters Nursery in Ormond Beach on Saturday, February 19th at 2pm. Green Winters is a local organic nursery with seedlings, plants and supplies. There is no charge for the presentation and it should be interesting and informative for anyone interested in organic gardening and sustainable living. They are located at 147 Tomoka Ave in New Smyrna Beach,

Jenny Nazak has studied and practiced sustainable gardening and design in many parts of the world, mainly in central Texas, which shares a lot in common with central Florida in terms of climate, soils, and other features. She holds a Permaculture Design Certificate from the US Permaculture Institute and a Certificate in Earth Based Vocations from EcoVersity in Santa Fe NM. Permaculture is an integrated approach to designing sustainable, high-yield, low-maintenance living environments by deliberately mimicking patterns found in nature.

You can contact Jenny by clicking on her name or calling 512-619-5363.