Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dress Code?

 Have you looked at the dress code? Here is the statement on the Volusia County Schools website:

District Student Dress Code Adopted The School Board of Volusia County recently adopted a district-wide dress code.  Beginning with the 2011-12 school year, the dress code applies to every student in a Volusia County public school and replaces individual dress codes that varied school by school. The dress code establishes minimal guidelines for the appearance and dress of students.

I like the "establishes minimal guidelines"  I LOVE the poster with what is acceptable, let me hang that sucker on my fridge. I will wave it at my kids as they go out the door. PUHLEESE.

Here is it for your downloading pleasure.... DRESS CODE

Have you been shopping for shorts that are mid-thigh for a girl yet? If you have and have found them and they are not hideous and your daughter will be caught dead in them please tell me where you found them.  I have been told that I should be prepared to pick up my child because she is not wearing those UGLY things. I am curious to see how exactly this will be enforced. If they send one child home will they send them all? I see a mass exodus of preteen and teen girls on day 1-3 of school. Then they will give up. I hope. 

My son has an opinion of all this. He is 14 and spent two years at Warner Christian in a uniform. He says, "bring them on". I overheard a discussion about this at one of his baseball games and he was a uniform proponent. He said, "it is easy, you get up slap on a pair of shorts and a shirt, it all matches and no one cares". Such a boy. I love boys. They like long shorts and I am thinking they don't care about spaghetti straps.
I bet no boys get sent home on day 1-3 of school. 

Before it is all said and done, the powers that be will wish they had left it all alone, or adopted uniforms....I will be the mother who gets the call on day 1-3 of school to come get my non-compliant child. I will also be the mother with 50 pictures of others students that did not get sent home....


Unknown said...

ROFL! I'm loving it! My son was sent home on day #1 of 7th grade because his father had taken him shopping and exercised no discretion at all. Never even OCCURRED to him that the clothing was unacceptable. (Remember wide leg pants in 2002-ish? HUMONGOUS pants? yeah..those.) Now I personally took no issue with his clothing. New Smyrna Beach Middle, however, did. *lol* My son was NOT the conformist yours is.. I'll just leave it at that. LOL!

Anyway.. it would be nice if girls weren't going to school half-naked. Let me know how that works out!

The Homeschool Hermit *grins*

Flmomi said...

I'm not sure they have to have shirts tucked in, just must be able to tuck in, from my translation. No way my boys (one highschool, one at the middle school> will tuck in shirts. I'm SUPER happy about the rules for girls though (sry), cause seriously some of those girls were not covering up at all, and the no sagging pants.. loved it last year when they started zip tieing boys pants up!

Anonymous said...

Can someone please tell me why parents aren't voting YES for uniforms? I don't get it.

Samm said...

This is such an annoying issue. Children are being pulled out of class to go change. It may be less distracting but for the multiple girls who are getting pulled out it is even worse. I was one of them I though the shorts I had on were appropriate but because I have long legs even the hideous shorts are "dress code appropriate" for me. I had to sit in the office for 4 hours waiting for someone to bring me a pair of pants, missing two tests and a lecture. Thanks VCSB.