Sunday, October 16, 2011

Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

The Little Theatre of New Smyrna Beach is presenting Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat! This show is playing now and will continue through October 30th. All performances are at 8pm with the exception of the Sunday Matinees at 2pm.

The Theatre is located at 726 Third Avenue in New Smyrna Beach. Tickets are $20.00 for adults, $19.00 for seniors and students under 18 are $10.00


Lisa said...

Hi Roxanne,
I have been trying to get up with you through, but haven't been able to. So please forgive me for reaching out to you via a blog comment. My site Work at Home Mom Revolution is mentioned on the following page of your section:

I have changed my URL to a .com, and it is now I would so much appreciate it if you could change it on the page above, as I am desperately trying to build my links back up to their former levels. Thanks so much. Lisa Mills