Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sports~Whats Going On

There are a bunch of opportunities for both kids and adults to play sports around Southeast Volusia County this fall:

New Smyrna Parks & Rec has Youth Football for kids ages 5-15 years old. Registration is thru November 11th, the cost is 45.00 for NSB residents and $53.00 for non-residents. Games start January 8th. Register in person at 1000 Live Oak St between 8am and 5pm or online.

They are also holding a meeting for the upcoming Men's Softball Season. This will be held at 6:30pm on Monday, October 24th at 1000 Live Oak Street. The season is set to start November 14th. Deadline to register is November 11th.

New Smyrna Beach is also offering open gym each Friday from 6:30pm-9:00pm. The city gym is located at 1000 Live Oak Street.

Edgewater YMCA is now registering for Youth Co-Ed Volleyball. The cost is 45.00 for members and $65.00 for community members. Registration is going on through November 9th.

Youth Basketball registration is also being held through November 20th. This is for children ages 4-14 years of age and the cost is $45.00 for members and $65.00 for community members. The Y is located at 148 W. Turgot St. in Edgewater.

Get out there and play!