Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thank You From The Frog!

"Forever Relying on God" is what the F.R.O.G. stands for in F.R.O.G. Ministries. A few years ago I checked out the "Frog" when they were located on Canal Street. Since that time they moved to 415 N. Ridgewood Avenue in Edgewater. They are still a Freestore and they still accept donations. Their website is a wonderful resource if you need to find sources for community help and information.

Yesterday I received this message from Dawn Clark, she is the founder of the ministry and she asked that I post it for the community to view.

"I wish to let the local residents of the surrounding areas now that F.R.O.G MINISTRIES (a free store/resource center) and R.E.A.N.N.A. MINISTRIES (emergency women/child abuse safe place) are humbled by the out-pouring of donations and kind letters of support.

This year we have seen the numbers rise exponentially in unemployment as the country struggles to support its citizens. We are thankful again for sharing what you can with the needy. F.R.O.G. MINISTRIES is open to everyone and no qualifying is required, just a need.

God Bless Everyone & Give Us Extended Grace

Shepherdess Dawn Clark, Founder of F.R.O.G. MINISTRIES/ Kat Selph, Founder of Womens Emergency Services of Central Florida

You can reach Dawn at 386-957-3822 or by email 

Thank you to F.R.O.G. Ministries for all it does for those that need a little help in our community!