Wednesday, December 14, 2011


KABOOK you are the winner of the $25.00 Gift Card to Off the Hook Raw Bar & Grille! Please email me your name and address and I will mail your gift card out tomorrow!!

Does your family have traditions that you stick with every year during the holiday season?

My teenage son and I were talking about family traditions this morning on the way to school. I was telling him how our whole family sat down after Thanksgiving and wrote out our Christmas wish list. His response, "you wrote it?" He texted me his.

I am just as guilty, I emailed my brother a link to what I wanted him to get me. My mother usually calls me from various stores and says is this good for this kids.....I am just glad they are all around to text, email and call...

We still do some of the things we did growing up, eat the same Christmas Eve menu, have breakfast before we open gifts on Christmas Day, things like that. We have had the "Elf on the Shelf" for years and I have always moved him around like we all still believe. Last year I found him hanging in the kitchen by a piece of yarn. Apparently the teenagers were tired of poor Buddy. I put him away...

What do you do every year? I am looking for some new ideas for my house.

Leave me a comment with your favorite family tradition and we will put your comment number in a drawing for a $25.00 gift card to Off The Hook Raw Bar & Grill. will pick the number, the winner will be announced on our Facebook Page on December 23rd.
Please be sure we have a way to contact you. Your name and email will never be sold or used for any other purpose. Good Luck!


Linda said...

We go to Christmas Eve Church Service every year no matter what.

Krista said...

One of my favorite traditions that my grandparents started w/ me, and now my parents do w/ my son, is an annual ornament. I have all of mine from the time I was a baby until 18 and every year when I put them on the tree I can know my grandpa is smiling down on me and remembering all the wonderful Christmases we shared. And now, since my son is 7, he understands, and he looks forward to hanging all of his on the tree also and treasures each one. I know someday when he is a dad, like me he will treasure them all.

Merry Christmas, Roxanne! I hope you and yours have a joyous New Year!

Everyday Mom's Meals

Jodi said...

Christmas Eve. with the family, riding around looking at Christmas lights, drinking hot cocoa after.

Dana said...

Everyone gets a new pair of pajamas and we open them on Christmas eve!

Vicki said...

We always have baked apple pancakes on Christmas Morning. It's the only time anyone in the family is allowed to have them, that way they are special.

Joann said...

Our older boys all go to church at midnight Christmas eve. Hubby and I wrap last minute gifts in peace and quiet.. then they come home and get their stockings and go to bed. Christmas morning is 5 am wake up.its the best free for all you have ever seen,then dinner with extended family at 2 till.......

Suzette said...

For the past 30 years we have gotten together on Christmas Eve with our very good neighbors. We have snacks and exchange gifts one at a time. As the years have past our families have grown but still we do this every year

Stacy said...

After Thanksgiving we (myself, husband and two kids) go to mims to cut down our "FL" Christmas tree. We argue on the drive down over something that happened the year before. We argue about which tree is best and that its slim pickens this year (which it never really is). We complain it's so hot. Finally I give up and scream just pick one! We cut, bring home and all is well. :)

Kathy said...

We let the kids open gifts Xmas eve so we can sleep in Xmas am, do the turkey dinner with family Xmas eve & go for sushi & a movie on Xmas day. How's that for non- traditional? Lol

Kathy G said...

On Christmas eve we sit down as a family and read the Navity story.

kabook said...

I know this is probably something most people do, but decorating the tree together is our family tradition. We go out together & choose the tree, come home & put on some Christmas music. My husband & I put the lights on while the kids dig out the ornaments. We certainly don't have one of those "fancy" decorated trees- all of our ornaments are homemade or were gifts, so they have special meaning. We are probably the only ones around to have a Joe Namath ornament in between a reindeer handprint & a Dr. Seuss ornament!

Tabby said...

Tabby....I wake up before it gets light outside and go and get my family up to open presents. Yes, I am now 30 and I still do We make sure to turn on the Macys parade on tv too. And then my mom cooks breakfast and all of our local family comes over to eat. :-)

thedollymama said...

When we come home from our Christmas Eve party at my brother & sister in law's, we find presents on the hearth - always new pajamas!

theVfactor said...

Every year my husband makes homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast Christmas morning. We try different recipes each time. Lets us know if you a good one! Merry Christmas everyone!

Bev said...

My favorite tradition is a candle service on Christmas Eve in a local church.. Love that time, sets the rest of time right , you know that Jesus is the reason for the season!

Sillie Willies said...

Our family tradition is having Baked Apple pancakes for Christmas breakfast. They are reserved for Christmas only...that's what makes them so special.