Good morning and Happy Friday in New Smyrna Beach! Plenty of fun going on around town this weekend!
Farmer's Markets at Hawk's Park in Edgewater, and Norwood's Seafood Beachside in New Smyrna Beach.
The American Legion at 619 W. Canal Street is holding a Baby Back BBQ dinner tomorrow from 4pm-7pm. The cost is $11.00 and you get Half rack of ribs, coleslaw, baked beans, roll and dessert. Proceeds are going to Special Olympics.
The monthly Art Stroll and Gallery Walk is tomorrow from 10am-5pm on Canal Street. Then from 4pm-7pm stroll the galleries on Douglas Ave. This event is always free and at 11am there will be music by Tres Bien Duo in Christmas Park.
There is a pet shot clinic at Family Dollar at 109 Boston and US1 in Edgewater. It is Saturday from 4-5:30pm. There is no appointment needed and it is cash only.
The Book Rack in Edgewater is holding a book signing from 11am-2pm on Saturday. There will be refreshments and free stuff, there will be a raffle of a gift basket. The proceeds from the raffle are used to ship books to troops, VA Hospitals, Wounded Warriors, Navy Ships and Rehab Centers. If you would like a list of authors attending please call 386-423-1190.
The NSB Garden Club Rummage sale is today and tomorrow.
The Volusia Chapter of the Antique Auto Club is holding an Auto Exhibit and Ponce Inlet Lighthouse on Saturday. The lighthouse is located at 4931 S. Peninsula Drive.
Bike Week starts March 9th. Get Ready!
Have a great weekend and support your local business!
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