I love seeing the ad’s and people who get really excited about the Official Start of Summer Memorial Day weekend…here in Florida it is summer about 8 months of the year!
Part of our summer is switching to lighter, more refreshing drinks! I am a huge hard cider fan, really if I drink it is my first choice, white wine being a pretty close second. Michelob Ultra now has a great alternative to either one and it has about one third less calories than either my former favorite cider
or that glass of Pinot Grigio. The cider is also gluten-free and 4% alcohol.
I was skeptical as I love my formerly favorite cider but the folks over at Blogher asked a bunch of us to try it out and write about it for the Michelob ULTRA Light Cider page on BlogHer.com. How could I resist an offer like that?
So off to Big B Liquors in Edgewater I went..you can find the cider locally on the Sponsors’ Site. I decided to get a couple of opinions so a couple of my neighbors came over to give it a whirl.
Yes, I agree with all that, it is very light and refreshing, in fact it is delicious, the best part (besides the reduced calories) is it is not overwhelmingly sweet. It is perfect for a hot day in the sun or with any meal that you would enjoy white wine. I put mine in a pretty glass cause that's how we roll!
I am not a beer drinker but some of my friends are and they gave it the thumbs up as well. I was fairly surprised about that since most beer drinkers are not huge cider fans.
So it is safe to say that you can grab a Michelob Ultra Cider, hit the beach, the pool, the park, and get on with your summer!
Which favorite summer meal or activity do you think would go best with Michelob ULTRA Cider?