Thursday, December 13, 2012

Men's Softball

There are a couple of Men's Softball leagues New Smyrna Beach.

The first is for 50 and older and games are played on Tuesday and Thursdays at New Smyrna Beach Sports Complex. Call Tom Coriale at 386-304-2968 or hit their website.

The second is a Men's League for everyone else. They are having a meeting on Thursday, December 27, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in the maintenance building past the softball fields at the New Smyrna Beach Sports Complex.

The cost for the Men’s season is tentatively set for $675 per team. This cost will include 16 games plus a playoff with award t-shirts for winning team in each division. The Men’s season is tentatively scheduled to begin on Monday, January 14, 2013 and will play on Monday & Wednesday nights. The deadline to sign-up is Friday, January 11, 2013. If your team is interested in playing please have a representative at the meeting.

For any questions of further information please call or e-mail A.T. Marucci at (386) 424-2271 or