Disclaimer: Picture totally unrelated to anything written below. I just like it.
I am fighting a crappy head cold, or allergies or something the past two days, so today I sat around and caught up on all my favorite websites. I thought I would share a few here, since I had nothing of any value to offer tonight.
Infarrantly Creative - there is something for everyone to LOVE on this site. She has giveaways, how to's for all sorts of things including what to do with things she picks out of the trash (furniture etc.) I am a renowned trash picker so this is pure heaven for me.
Organized Home - in my imaginary perfect world I would do everything on this blog. However in my not so perfect real world, it ain't happening. I still love to read it and once in awhile I will actually do some of it. It does work!
Skinny Taste - Yum, great recipes. I have made many of her recipes. Wonderful! Love!
Dr. Oz - What is not to love about Dr. Oz. So much good information.
While we are talking about Doctors, here is another one I follow and like Dr. Andrew Weil.
I Breathe, I'm Hungry - great recipes, most low carb and/or gluten free. Good Stuff.
Goodreads - great site for keeping track of books you want to read. I use it frequently when I want to keep track of the books in a series. Make sure I read them in order. Nice site.
The Cheap Gourmet - shameless plug for my friend Kathy - she does have great recipes and resources, easy to navigate and she lives in NSB. Can't beat that!
Frugally Sustainable - she has all sorts of stuff you can make yourself. Good for the environment stuff. It is pretty easy too. Has to be, I have done some of them.
The Vintage Wren - This is just a pretty blog, pretty pictures, lots of gorgeous photography.
That is enough for today, I hope you find one you like! Enjoy the week!
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