Sunday, March 16, 2008

Build It and They Will Come....

But what are they building and who will end up coming? That is the question that some local residents are asking about a proposed 125 room hotel and 3 story parking deck that is going before county commissioners. I am not sure when it is scheduled to be voted on, but the plan is to put this at Flagler and Florida Avenue.

Residents are meeting to discuss this and have invited the developer, the meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday, March 19th at 6pm at the Coronado Methodist Church. You can get more information and follow along with the residents at

Keep New Smyrna Quaint

I remember a brief article in the paper awhile back about this hotel but it has not gotten much press. I googled and searched the News Journal website but could find the article I saw. I checked the City Commission schedule, agendas and minutes and did not find anything there either. This is apparently a pretty well kept secret or I am just not up to my usual searching capability.

Whatever your thoughts are it is important to stay informed.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting on your blogsite. The proposal is before the city commissioners. Also, the developer is planning on having all traffic for the hotel/motel is enter and exit on and off Flagler Avenue. Won't that be fun with the already backed up traffic in the summer. And what about the 3-4 story enclosed parking garage. Did everyone see the big bust in Orlando in a downtown enclosed parking garage - drugs, prostitution. What will happen to our small - quaint - FAMILY Environment - town. The residents must speak up or it will go through.

Anonymous said...

IF the bridge goes up Flagler and Peninsula are right now almost impossible. This town is not big enough for that.

Unknown said...

Trying to scare people into not supporting this project by referring to a bust in Orlando is inflamatory. New Smyrna IS NOT ORLANDO. We don't have their crime rate or their demographic. Asserting that because there was ONE drug/prostitution bust in ONE garage in SOME part of Orlando means that this proposed hotel/parking garage project will have the same result is simply untrue. All you have to do is look at a similar project this developer has done in Savannah to see this is not a Motel 6 being proposed. What is being proposed is 45 new jobs and $20 million dollars of revenue for our community. Don't residents and merchants alike all owe it to each other to attend as many of these meetings as we can and learn the FACTS and then decide our support or lack thereof, rather than believing the unfounded assertions of a few?

Unknown said...

A thought on added traffic. It seems to me that when people come for the summer to the beach they usually drive to the beach and either park in the lot or on the beach. Only a small percentage of those people actually stop and shop or walk all the way up Flagler to shop.

Wouldn't a hotel for them to spend the night with a parking lot, put their cars in the lot and their feet on the street walking to the beach and by our businesses? And perhaps actually spending some money in our community beyond a few hot dogs and ice cream cones or a beer?

nsbmom said...

I am happy to see some differing opinions, I think it is very important to stay informed and speak out about what is going on in our city. I am curious as to what happened at the meeting on Wednesday, the site indicated in my original post has not been updated. Does anyone know?

Unknown said...

I agree 100% with you. Thank you so much for providing this forum and allowing differing opinions. While we all may not agree on the Hotel on Flagler issue, I hope we all agree that New Smyrna is best place to live and we love our community. One of the best parts of living in a small town for me is that your voice actually can be heard. That is priceless! I support the discussion and all those who care enough to voice their opinions even when I don't agree with them or vice a versa.

Hotel or no hotel, in the end we'll all still be neighbors! :-)

nsbmom said...

I pulled this comment off the Keep New Smyrna Quaint is an update on the meeting!

The meeting was held on March 19, 2008 with the developer giving his presentation of the proposed hotel and parking garage. Approximately 100 people attended which included 2 representatives from the CRA and some merchants. Many important issues were brought up by the residents and responses were given by the developer. Reporters from the HomeTownNews and the News Journal were there. Watch for these articles. The consensus among most of the residents who attended was that they did not object to the hotel, but did object to the location for the hotel. Some of the comments left were: Bring it to a vote - Vote no to protect. Locals have enough traffic on Flagler and Peninsula daily and worse when bridge is open. Go smaller to fit in with our quaint seaside town(this was addressed by the developer as not economically feasible for his company). Why take down the beautiful live oaks and retain an orange tree? Projected numbers (income for the city) - no guarentee - where did you arrive at those numbers? Taking away from our small town feeling and environment. Some people in this room possibly moved to NSB from a place with projects this - we live here to avoid. What other locations have been considered which would eliminate the congestion and would prevent the destruction of the historic character of NSB and Flagler Avenue? Sounds like a positive addition of NSB. Let's focus on addressing objections and reaching some recommodatins - but lets make it happen. What streets will be used for building the bldg? Where will the construction workers park?(The developer said that construction would take a year.)

We were very encouraged with the turn out on such short notice and with ony a very few people trying to hand out flyers. We are hoping that the next meeting will have 200 people and then 400. There was overwhelming support by applause when it was suggested to the developer - build your hotel, but put it in another location.

We are planning another meeting within the next 30 days - but for now will focus on the next CRA meeting and City Commissioner meeting and the Planning and Zoning Board meeting. The dates will be posted on this site. Please plan to attend and bring as many people as you can. Your voices can be heard - but only if you are thereu