Monday, January 26, 2009

Easy Giving

One more good cause plug for today:

You could help your preferred charity within minutes, and without having to save up and spend your own money to do it.

Hotels Combined is a company wanting to donate money to charity. The best part is it is totally free - you choose the charity, they donate the money!

In order to spread the word about the company, Hotels Combined are currently donating money to one of three charities when you mention them on your blog or become a fan on Facebook.

How You Can Help

So, here’s how you can help charity of your choice.

Mention them on your blog and Hotels Combined will donate $20 USD to your chosen charity (just email them with the URL and your chosen charity)


Become a fan on Facebook and Hotels Combined will donate $5 USD to your chosen charity (simply sign into Facebook, become a fan, then post a comment on their Facebook profile indicating your choice)

Donating to charity couldn’t get much simpler (or cheaper) than that!

The Charities

Hotels Combined are currently donating to the following worthwhile charities:

WWF - the global conservation charity dedicated to stopping the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and building a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

World Vision - Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice

Make a Wish Foundation - Granting the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions.

About Hotels Combined

Hotels Combined is a search engine that searches over 900,000 hotel deals worldwide for the best price possible.

The hotel deals are retrieved from multiple hotel reservation websites around the world, enabling you to compare prices and availability across all major acommodation providers on a single screen.

This company says that they are always looking for ethical and environmentally friendly ways of doing business.

The aim of this promotion is to help spread the word about the company in an ethical and environmentally friendly way. Check it out, you have nothing to lose and your charity has money to gain!


Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing!