Wednesday, January 21, 2009

This & That

The first Art Walk of 2009 is this Saturday from 10am-5pm on Flagler Ave. With luck it will warm up. It has not been this cold in New Smyrna Beach since 2003, at least that is what Channel 6 says.
It appears that most events and activities in the community start up again in February, so we will get a good list together for February and post it.
Here is an interesting local note:

Flip Flop’s Grill & Chill located just off Flagler has a soon to be famous Chef. Chef Danny will be on season 5 of FOX’s “Hell’s Kitchen”. The first episode premieres next Thursday night, January 29th at 9pm. You can read about the show and Danny’s profile here.

Local Business:

Did you know New Smyrna Beach has a local office supply store. Cibu Office Supply located at 406 Canal Street. They have a full line of office supplies and very competitive prices. Support your local businesses!