Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Gimme Some Reruns

I like everyone else in America (well except two people I know, and you know who you are...) watched President Obama being sworn in, watched him eat lunch, watched them take Ted Kennedy away in an ambulance, watched him walk up Pennsylvania Avenue blah, blah, blah.....

I have high hopes he and his administration will facilitate change and return this country to prosperity. But for heavens sake as we enter the 45th hour of continuous coverage can I please just have a Law & Order rerun or maybe some CSI or even some local news. How many times can Brian Williams and Katie Couric say the same thing??

The sad part is in a few days the love fest will end and the press will start skewering President Obama just like they do every other President and make his already difficult job impossible. I hope I am wrong and the good will and happiness continues, but as he is forced to make difficult decisions he won't be so popular.

Good luck and God Bless Mr. President, you are going to need it!

Now off to watch Food Network, maybe HGTV or Sci Fi.........


Anonymous said...

Amen Sister!!!

Justmatt said...

agreed! But don't worry - all will be better tonight when LOST takes center stage!

Anonymous said...

I purposely saved my American Idol tapings to have something to watch other than his coronation. To date, I have not turned on MSN, CNN or FOX, as I am not prepared to endure endless coverage of the first 100 days.

GOD Bless us all, we are going to need all the DIVINE intervention we can get to survive as one nation, intact and not bankrupt!

You know who I am!