It is here, that dreaded last six weeks of school. Kids are bored, don't want to get up in the morning, hate their clothes, hate their teachers, hate their mother......
Worse than is (insert music from Jaws) FIELD TRIP TIME!!! CLASS PARTY TIME!!!! I love my children, I like to watch my son play baseball, my daughter ride her horse, I like to take them to the beach, the library, go bike riding...and I really like most of their friends and most of my friends kids....but.....put me in a room with more than five kids in a class party or god forbid ON A SCHOOL BUS...and I would rather pull out my fingernails with needle nose pliers. Seriously. I was a "class mom" when my daughter was in first the end of the year I wanted to insert a letter opener thru my eye socket. I now know my limits. is this time of year that I am not visible over the steering wheel of my vehicle...I slink down hoping not to be seen when dropping off or picking up my child at elementary school...I am kind of like my cat...
I cover my eyes and pray if I can't see can't see me and you won't ask me to "HELP" in any type of "CLASS thing". I will giving candy, money, store bought baked goods, construction paper, pencils, gift cards, processed and purchased items.... If you are one of those parents that can make things, draw, help while thirty 4th graders make crafts, frost cupcakes, lead 20 kids in song....I applaud you! Go forth and prosper....and please do it without me!!!
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