Interesting stuff going on in
NSB. Not quite sure I understand the inner workings of our City Council...empty property on North Causeway...someone wants to pay the city money to bring a
riverboat hotel/restaurant here that would create jobs, maybe bring some visitors. It gets turned down....why? well someone else "might" want to lease the property. Funny up to this point one other person has tried to lease it, they were turned down too. Doesn't seem like there is a line forming to utilize this property and there is sure no urgency by the city to do anything with it.
On the good news front - Danny Veltri is back at Flip Flops, I keep hearing they are closing, but now it seems they are under new management and new menu. Let's hope so, hate to see another good restaurant close.
K-Mart is closed. Sad to lose all those jobs. The up side of that is we don't have to watch those guys riding the bikes up and down 44 with those awful signs anymore. So now there is like what one thing in that plaza? Call the bulldozers. It is an eyesore. Empty it will be really dismal.
I understand Dollar General is going into the old Food Lion on the beach side. Someone commented to me that they did not think they could sink lower than Food Lion. Well.......
The Ford Drive One Program raised $8,000 for New Smyrna Beach High School. That is good stuff!
The Varsity Baseball Team won the District Championship last night. That is great stuff!
Here is a pretty cool list of
surf websites.
Starting next weekend, the 3rd Avenue beach ramp will be one way onto the beach from 9am-3pm. This is an experiment to see if it cuts down on traffic backups and gets people on quicker. You can still get off on 27th and Flagler.
That is all my rambling for tonight...I will seek out more fascinating and mostly useless information for you later in the week. Right now..the laundry awaits. Carry on!