Well folks, it is time for the next chapter in our ongoing series...
"how ridiculous can our schools be". We won't go into closing schools to save money...and then busing kids to schools miles away (anyone look at gas prices) or
RELAXING the class size restrictions because they are no longer convenient, or cutting school budgets by impossible amounts.....
Today, lets go back to basics. My son is in 5th grade, he has worked very hard to get on the honor role, he is an A/B student. For various reasons he did make it first quarter (his effort in Art & Math needed improvement), or second(effort again). So he worked his tail off this past quarter and when we went online to check his report card he had all A's and one B. He had all 1's in effort.
(1 being satisfactory, 2- needs improvement and 3-unsatisfactory) In the "Personal Development" Section there are 2 possibilities, S-Satisfactory, and I-Needs Improvement. He has all S's with the exception of
"work is organized and neat." Where he got an I.
He came home on Monday with the hard copy of the report card. He was in tears, carrying on because he did not make Honor Roll. So upon closer inspection I see the requirements on the back. You cannot have an
"I" in anything on the Personal Development side and make Honor Roll. OK, I think that is reasonable.
EXCEPT, you can have a C and a needs improvement in
EFFORT in your regular grades and make it.
Are you kidding me???My son was upset because his friend who rides the bus with him had a C and a 2 in effort and he made it. So I did what you would expect and spoke to his teacher to ask what he could do and to also express the fact that this system is ridiculous.
First let me say I really like his teacher, I must share with you why he got an I-needs improvement and his all A, one B report card did not make the honor role.....because his desk is messy.
Yes, his desk is messy. SO, my friends in case I lost you earlier, let me sum it up for you.
In our school system, you can get a
C and exhibit BELOW AVERAGE EFFORT and make the Honor Role. You can get all A's and one B. Exhibit Satisfactory Effort, but you may not make the Honor Role because your
DESK IS MESSY.Am I the only one out there that finds this to be beyond assinine?