Here are some things coming up to do around New Smyrna Beach:
The Lions Club is holding their annual rummage sale on Friday, October, 28th and Saturday, October 29th beginning at 8:00am. The Lions Clubhouse is located at 2340 Sunset Drive. If you have items to donate to the rummage sale call the Lions at 386-426-1359.
The VFW Post 4250 will hold a haunted hay ride with food and games from 5-9pm on Saturday, October 29th. The VFW is located at 2350 Sunset Drive. The cost is free and the ride is for children 14 and younger.
This Wednesday, October 26th, from 3-5pm the Edgewater Public Library will hold a fall festival. This will feature games, face painting, snacks and prizes.
Edgewater Fire Rescue holds Bingo every Tuesday at 6:30pm at the Association Fire Hall, located at 2616 Hibiscus Dr in Edgewater.
The Elks Club located at 820 W. Park Ave, has lunch daily from 11:30-2pm and on Tuesday they have a spaghetti dinner from 5pm-7pm.
VFW Post 4250 in NSB has Philly Cheesesteak lunch served from noon to 6pm on Wednesdays. Bike night is each Thursday starting at 5pm. Food and drinks available.
Email us if you would like your event posted!