On Friday my eleven year old son and I were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to assist volunteers from Edgewater Alliance Church in serving the Hot Community Meal, each day volunteers from local churches and the Halifax Urban Ministries serve a hot meal to anyone who needs it at 11:30 am in Hollister Hall, located at the First United Methodist Church, 310 Douglas Street. Tuesday & Thursday there is a volunteer who uses his catering truck to serve hamburgers and hot dogs to anyone who is hungry. I understand the numbers range from 70-100 people each day. This meal is put on 7 days a week.
I am not sure exactly how it works or who coordinates all this but it was an eye opening experience for my son to help someone else and see just how lucky he is. He chopped lettuce, cut up dessert, helped several of the diners get their food to the table. He did not want to leave, he was a question box when we left, he wanted to know where the people live, how do they get their clothes and purses. There was a woman there with a child who we saw in the parking lot earlier, I am pretty sure she was living in her van. My son asked me, "do they not have a Grandma?" I told him I was not sure what their situation was, and he said "it is good we have a Grandma and an Uncle Rick." Yes, it is good, and some people are not so lucky.... He was checking the calendar to see when we go back next month. yes he wants to go back. That says it all.
Here is some information on local resources and how you can help if you are in a position to do so.
"There but for the grace of God go I...."